Why Following Back Your Followers is a Tough Decision?

So you want people to follow you on social media? The good news is that there are plenty of such platforms out there, from Twitter to Instagram to LinkedIn. Individuals who follow you on social networking platforms make quite a difference…

February 22, 2016


So you want people to follow you on social media? The good news is that there are plenty of such platforms out there, from Twitter to Instagram to LinkedIn. Individuals who follow you on social networking platforms make quite a difference as with every single follower being added to the list; your morale gets a boost.
Each time someone follows me on social media, a thought runs through my mind.

Should I also follow this person?

Of all my working years on the internet, I’ve addressed this question via following:

  • I followed the person
  • I did not follow the person
  • I followed and then unfollowed them after some time

Scrolling the user profile of a new follower is the habit of almost every individual. Same apply to me as well. Out of 10 new followers, chances are there, that I’ll follow 3 of them back. The remaining 7 are left unfollowed immediately or after some time.

I’m sure many of you can relate your story with mine and must be curious to find out why are we hesitant in following back our followers?

Why People Follow You?

Sticking with the scope of this article, people expect to be followed back as this strategy can earn a good deal of followers. But often, it doesn’t work out that way. If you’re following someone back, then you’re probably returning the favor which has been incurred on you. Apparently, this will not hold true for someone you know in person or a famous name e.g. a film or sports celebrity, politician, etc.


Why are people reluctant to follow back?

I’ve tried to explore a few possible reasons why many people don’t follow back and here they go:

  • Going social and interacting with strangers; is not likeable
  • User’s profile is aimed to spread some abusive content
  • Profile contains some controversial content
  • User’s profile is adequately protected

So next time if someone follows you then do find a logical reason that why you’re not following back. What other reasons you have on this? Share your tips in the comments below.


Sr. Content Developer ▲ Vercel (Vercel and Next.js Docs team developer) ❯ WordPress Marketing Team Representative & WP Core Contributing Developer ❯ Google Season of Docs mentor ❯ #OpenSourceress ❯ Tech Journalist, Developer & Teacher ❯ OSS Content Program Manager at TheDevCouple ❯ Taught thousands of girls how to code #GirlsWhoCode ❯ Love my husband (Ahmad Awais), Minions, and Pizza. I’m a WordPress Core Contributor, Content Strategist, and Researcher who can turn the torrent of words into something of acceptable length. Currently, I'm a part of WPTie and offering my services as the Creative Director. I've been reviewing several plugins, themes, and frameworks.

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