Things to consider before installing a Plugin

Have you ever thought of being trapped by the use of WordPress plugins? If no, then think now and I will let you know why. As we all know that plugins extend the functionality of WordPress as well as they allow…

Have you ever thought of being trapped by the use of WordPress plugins? If no, then think now and I will let you know why.

As we all know that plugins extend the functionality of WordPress as well as they allow to customize functionalities so that each user can adjust their site to their specific needs. It not only saves your time but also improve and fasten your website. Continue Reading…


Sr. Content Developer ▲ Vercel (Vercel and Next.js Docs team developer) ❯ WordPress Marketing Team Representative & WP Core Contributing Developer ❯ Google Season of Docs mentor ❯ #OpenSourceress ❯ Tech Journalist, Developer & Teacher ❯ OSS Content Program Manager at TheDevCouple ❯ Taught thousands of girls how to code #GirlsWhoCode ❯ Love my husband (Ahmad Awais), Minions, and Pizza. I’m a WordPress Core Contributor, Content Strategist, and Researcher who can turn the torrent of words into something of acceptable length. Currently, I'm a part of WPTie and offering my services as the Creative Director. I've been reviewing several plugins, themes, and frameworks.

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