When I analyze people of my age gearing up with “good jobs”, most of them are not interested in what they do. They are pretty much frustrated and think that they can prove to be a lot more productive than just scraping away from 8–5 every day. In our final days of graduation, we all have listened to inspirational TED talks, discussed the future career with a bunch of peers but ultimately join the same club of people who don’t like what they’re doing.
I also belonged to the same lot some time ago. I was always keen on writing and reading stuff. But unfortunately, had to give up due to busy academic schedule during my years at university. I tried hard to stick to my routine, but it didn’t work for me. I started losing it because this wasn’t enough to consider as a career path.
Everything was going just as it was supposed to be until my final year when I was asked to write for a design blog Freakify. I’ve craved long for this opportunity and I was suddenly like a kid in a candy store tempting for his favorite candy. I was scared because my career was at stake but, at the same time, I was also incredibly excited about what is going to come ahead.
Now it’s been more than three years since I’m blogging — progressing up my career ranks, heading the blogging team, and ultimately growing as a WordPress, product reviewer. I did stuff like reviewing plugins, themes, and frameworks and overall I’m proud of what I’ve achieved so far.
When I look back, it just amazes me that someone who knew nothing about web development and coding has challenged herself at every step to explore her Inner Rockstar. I firmly believe we all have an inner rockstar. It just needs to be examined and groomed. A pinch of real guidance can do wonders as it was in my case.
Here are a few points which can help finding your inner rockstar:
People who are rockstars in their professional life will have a similar story. Are you still struggling or unhappy with your career? Yes! Then it’s time to analyze your subconscious and find your inner rockstar. You can share your thoughts by commenting below or reach me out through Twitter.