Adding Categories & Tags in WordPress

Bloggers write lots and lots of content everyday. This content needs to be categorized according to their niche. For this purpose different categories are generated according to their genre. For an example;  if I talk about WordPress, the blog based on…

Bloggers write lots and lots of content everyday. This content needs to be categorized according to their niche. For this purpose different categories are generated according to their genre. For an example;  if I talk about WordPress, the blog based on this niche can include categories like themes, plugins, settings, posts, etc. Likewise, tags are also important for any blog post because they are the “reserved words”. Continue Reading…


Sr. Content Developer ▲ Vercel (Vercel and Next.js Docs team developer) ❯ WordPress Marketing Team Representative & WP Core Contributing Developer ❯ Google Season of Docs mentor ❯ #OpenSourceress ❯ Tech Journalist, Developer & Teacher ❯ OSS Content Program Manager at TheDevCouple ❯ Taught thousands of girls how to code #GirlsWhoCode ❯ Love my husband (Ahmad Awais), Minions, and Pizza. I’m a WordPress Core Contributor, Content Strategist, and Researcher who can turn the torrent of words into something of acceptable length. Currently, I'm a part of WPTie and offering my services as the Creative Director. I've been reviewing several plugins, themes, and frameworks.

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