September 26, 2019
Yesterday, I spoke about “Optimizing Your Gatsby.js Site for Production” at WordSesh EMEA 2019 edition. Thanks a ton to my friend Brian Richards for having me once again.
March 12, 2019
From developing my static site generator pudl to becoming a WordPress Marketing Team Representative, 2018 was a whole lot of interesting year with several uplifting moments for me. It was a year of tremendous growth, some major milestones, new beginnings, and learnings.
March 13, 2018
2017 was a wonderful year, I was able to accomplish a lot, become a WordPress Core Contributor (first female from PK) twice, kickstart TheDevCouple Campaign, and improve upon hundreds of open source projects with my better half. I am also in the job market looking for the next big opportunity and in the review, I discussed my interviews at Google.
January 10, 2017
If my recollection of lost isn’t misleading me, then it was probably the same month (I mean January) when I read the year in review by Ahmad Awais. Though I had been regularly scrolling through different annual reports and statistics,…